end of year CHECKLIST
Transition Meeting: Arrange a meeting between the incoming and outgoing executive teams
Constitution Review: Go through each section of the constitution and review any changes that should be made
Important Dates: Inform the new executive team about important dates to be aware of, such as, the due dates for club registration, office space, etc.
Share Resources & Contacts: Provide information about all resources that are available and provide contact information for all vendors, organizations and partners that UPSC collaborates with
Provide All Documentation: Provide the new executive team with all documents needed to run UPSC including finances, election meeting minutes, constitution, and show them the Wiki.
Registration and Applications: Go through and explain all registration processes and make sure all applications are submitted
Check the Finances: Give a breakdown of the finances, pass over all bank information and give any receipts for outstanding bills that need to be paid
Social Media Accounts: show the new executive team the Passwords spreadsheet and make sure they have access
Review YUConnect: Ensure that the members list is updated, remove all older permits and review all of the functions of YUConnect with new executive members, and make sure the new Director of Student Outreach has editing access to accept new members on YUconnect
Exchange Information: Provide contact information so that the outgoing executive can be contacted with any further questions
One-On-One Meetings: Have each outgoing executive meet with their incoming counterpart to discuss the position in detail
Finance: show new Finance director the budget, make sure they're on the bank account, show them how to send e-transfers, show them where to access the Cash Form, show them where to file receipts
Student Outreach: show them how to use both YUconnect and Mailchimp to manage the student list
Communications: show them where to find the logo, design guide, how to type our UPSC colour codes into Canva, where to find templates, etc.
Events: show them the Events Planning Checklist, explain how TUUS works, show them the Room Booking List