How To Book Rooms
Basic Procedure
First you confirm availability of the room by booking it with the college/department that owns the room. For Colleges, this is usually the Master's Office.
Then you file a booking request with TUUS (via YUconnect) - and TUUS issues your PERMIT. The permit is your official permission, and means no one else can take the room away from you. If another student group tries to claim they booked it first, your permit proves the room is yours. The permit is also important if you get locked out of the room and security has to let you in.
Room Booking Rules
It's important to be respectful of the space. If we are reported as causing a mess, disturbance, or not putting things back, we'll be banned from booking it again!
Furniture. Allowed to move furniture within the room only. Cannot take furniture outside the booked room. Remember to leave the room the way you found it!
Garbage. Clean up all garbage, recycling, and messes in the room when you leave. Even if someone else was in the room and made the mess, you'll be blamed for it and your room booking permissions will be revoked! So leave the room spotless.
No smoking/vaping/e-cigarettes. We get in big trouble if this happens.
Notes about TUUS (Office of the Temporary Use of University Space)
TUUS: office of the Temporary Use of University Space. They are a department at YorkU. Most university space bookings will go through them. Even if we can book a room with another office, we still need to get the permit from them. They are SLOW and can be grumpy. Be nice, apply early, and learn where their office is. Use manners, be polite but efficient and clear in your communications with them (i.e. cut out lines like “I hope this email finds you well”). They are very busy; if you don’t communicate efficiently, they will miss important details or get them wrong.
Viviana is the main person that works there. Be nice to her, she is busy and works hard.
Depending on the event, TUUS can take a long time because they have a whole internal process that they have to go through, including clearing events with their insurance, sending the booking request to the risk management department, etc. All of this has to happen before we get a confirmation. Sometimes it can take a long time.
IMPORTANT: When filling out the room booking form on YUconnect, don't put the room number in the correct space. Instead, put "York University" in the location/room. Then, in the comments section is where you write the room number you booked.
Why? This is because of how TUUS's system is set up: after you submit the form, they can't change the location you type in. They can only accept or reject the form as a whole. So if there is a mistake, or if a better room becomes available, you'll have to submit a whole new form from the beginning. But if you put the room number in the comments section, TUUS can just edit that and approve your request.
TUUS Contact info
Address: 125 Ross Building North
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