Starting The Year

START OF YEAR Operations

There are a few things we have to do at the beginning of every year. The top priority is re-registering with SCLD and YFS. If we’re not registered with them, then we can’t run UPSC because we’ll be blocked from accessing our bank account, booking rooms for events, tabling, putting up posters, etc.

So our first priority is to register with SCLD and YFS before the deadline in September!



In order to register with SCLD and YFS, we need:

After we complete those three things, we're allowed to register with SCLD & YFS by the September deadline.

Notes: 1. Yes it has to be an actual election with paper ballots. YFS and SCLD don't accept us interviewing and choosing people.
2. The workshops are required by SCLD & YFS but they're also useful and our  job much easier.
3. SCLD = Student Community & Leadership Development. It's part of York University itself. Their website is here: 
4. YFS = York Federation of Students. This is the student union at YorkU. They own the Student Centre buildings. The YFS general website is here: and the YFS Student Clubs website is here:
5. Also, applications for YFS base funding, and YorkFest tabling have to be in by early September. If you’re delayed in doing elections, submit your YFS applications anyway and they can process the applications after you re-ratify. Check with YFS for more info.


Top Priority Checklist

The Top Priority checklist is stuff we MUST DO ASAP before September deadlines or else UPSC loses our registration with the University. Note: all items in this checklist can be done at the end of the previous year - highly recommended to make your life easier!


Secondary Checklist

This secondary checklist is also important but most items on it can wait a few weeks.

up next: where to find stuff