event planning CHECKLIST
Event Planning
Event planning is one of the most important things UPSC does.
Every event is different, but if you follow the timeline below, you can run events smoothly, successfully, and stress-free. You might even have fun ;)
It will always take more time than you think. If you want to have a fun, stress-free experience, start early.
Key #2: Put yourself in the shoes of a person attending the event
This helps you figure out what you need to do to prepare for the event. For example:
How will they know about the event? Posters? Social Media? Campus TV screens?
How will they find the location? Will we post arrow signs or directions in the building?
How will they sign in? Is there a guest list? Is there limited capacity?
How will they know where to sit? If not enough people show up, do we want to bunch them into a group at the front (for photos: to make the room look more full)?
How much food will they eat? How many people are coming? How much food do we need to order?
Do they have allergies or accessibility needs that we need to know about? How will we get this information from them?
How will they know who’s in charge, or who to speak to if they have a question. Will we have UPSC t-shirts, or UPSC nametags?
Guest Speakers - How will they find the location? Are they coming by bus or car? Do they need a campus map? Do they need parking and transit directions.
These are the things that should be completed 4 weeks before the event day:
Find Guest Speakers & coordinate schedules
Settle on a date and time. Ask other clubs if they’re planning events around that time to avoid conflict and audience loss.
Start finding food. Note: YorkU is obnoxious about requirements for food vendors so start researching this now.
Start scouting for locations. Think about capacity, noise level, lighting + time of day of event, where photographer will take photos from, where people will sit, how easy the location is to find. For room ideas, see the list and room photos on the Room Booking List Page
Note: TUUS (Office of the Temporary Use of University Space - the give us permission to book most rooms) takes 2 weeks just to respond. Make sure to have to have a backup location in mind.
Create a to-do list for the event to happen. Split up the work and do not be afraid to ask the COO to assign responsibilities to each executive member.
Is insurance required for the event? If so, start the application process now.
Finalize the location. Submit TUUS application or location booking requests now. Last chance.
Finalize budget. Apply for pre-event financing from YFS and/or money from the POLS department.
Book food catering or finalize food plan (e.g. Costco, ordering pizza, etc.)
Receive money into account from YFS & POLS department
Pay deposits for bookings (if required)
Book event photographer
Book projector, microphone, table rentals
Finalize poster design & get them printed so you have them physically before next week.
Create Facebook event page
Promote! This is the week of promotion. Social media campaigns, printed poster campaign, classroom announcements, and colleges’ LISTSERV emails. Plan which exec members are going to which classrooms to make announcements.
Finalize student guest list, esp. if event has limited capacity.
Make “DAY OF” schedule (see below).
Make Emergency Plan
Make Accessibility plan
All the other last-minute stuff that comes up the week before event day. Stuff always comes up. Get everything else done early so you won't be having a crisis when the last minute stuff comes up!
Which exec members will arrive at what time?
Who will bring what supplies?
Who will set up equipment?
Who is bringing the UPSC banner and other swag?
Who will greet the guest speakers and show them how to get to the location?
Who will set up food?
Who will run the student check-in desk with the guest list?
Who will take tickets/payment (for paid events)?
Who will put up signs with arrows directing guests to the location?
Who will have a copy of the event permit from TUUS?
Who will be on the post-event-clean-up-crew?
If you are taking York students to the event location by transit, figure out these logistics + meeting locations/times.
Make sure everyone's phone is charged, and that everyone is on the Whatsapp group.
Make sure you have "day of" contact info for guest speakers (including phone numbers not just email), the TUUS office, SCLD office, YorkU security, your food/catering company of choice, and a staff member or professor at the Department of Politics.